title: Experience of Broadway Source Reading,PR Submission for Bug Fixing speaker: 鹄思乱想(Ken) plugins: - echarts - mermaid

# Source Reading & Fix {.text-landing.text-shadow} By 鹄思乱想(Ken) {.text-intro} :::note 大家好,和各位大佬比起来,我其实没什么线上使用 Elixir 和 Broadway 的经验,这次分享只是基于自己单纯看源代码的经历。分享里有什么说的不对,希望大家指正。 # Who am I? * Blog\: https\:// * Wechat\: ThinkingInCrowd * Github\: https\:// * Bio\: * Consortium Blockchain Platform Developer for Carrier Logistics based on Fabric. * Work with Node.js/JAVA,Play with Elixir. * Practicing Boxing. # Agenda * Problem\: Concurrent Framework Becomes Parallel * What is Broadway? * Source Code * Source Analysis on Bug * Q & A * My Questions :::note 这次其实是按陈天老师在知乎的「如何阅读一份代码」文章里说的「为了破案而阅读代码」的方式,来介绍一个场景相关的源码的,而不是按照整个框架结构来分析。所以,一开始我会先说明疑案是什么,然后介绍相关的源码。虽然可能很多人都用过 Broadway,也对它比较熟悉,但讲相关源码前,会很粗略地讲一下它是什么,和数据处理流程。最后就是 Q&A 和我想请教大家的问题。 ## Problem\: Concurrent Framework becomes Parallel !![](/nodeppt/images/broadway_pr/broadway_concurrent_issues.png) :::note 这个问题很经典,估计我们都遇到过。作者在使用一个声称是能并发处理数据的框架时,发现自己的数据被串行处理。这次就带大家看看是怎么一回事。你们有兴趣也可以回头对比看他是怎么看源码和加 Debug Log 分析的。 # What is Broadway? :::note 首先,我简单介绍一下 Broadway。 ## What is Broadway? {.aligncenter} **Concurrent**, **multi-stage** tool for building data ingestion and data processing **pipelines**. :::div {.text-cols.animated.fadeInUp.slow.delay-2400} ```elixir defmodule MyBroadway do use Broadway def start_link(_opts) do Broadway.start_link(MyBroadway, name: MyBroadwayExample, producer: [ module: {Counter, []}, concurrency: 2 ], processors: [ default: [concurrency: 2] ] ) end ...callbacks... end ``` ```asciidoc [producer_1] [producer_2] | \ / | | \ / | | \/ | | /\ | [processor_1] [processor_2] ``` ::: :::note Broadway 是一个并发,多阶段的数据处理管道。相信喜欢和熟悉函数式编程的都知道 Pipeline 是什么意思了。 这个就是用 Broadway 定义的一个最简单的管道处理模型,这里只有两个数据生产者,两个处理者。它们关系如右图。 ## Broadway is built on GenStage {.aligncenter} * Producer\: A stage sends data. * Consumer\: A stage receives data. > "Once demand arrives, the producer will emit items, never emitting more items than the consumer asked for. This provides a back-pressure mechanism." {.animated.fadeInUp.slow.delay-2400} **Characteristics\: Ask demand from Upstream. (Kanban Style)** {.animated.fadeInUp.slow.delay-4s} :::note Broadway 其实是基于 GenStage 来构建的。GenStage 里面只有两个概念,Producer 和 Consumer。一个负责发送数据,一个接收处理。同时承担发送和接收的,就既是 Producer,也是 Consumer。它的工作原理是等需求到达 Producer 的时候,它会分配不多于需求数量的消息给 Consumer。所以说,它和敏捷方式里面的 Kanban 拉动模型类似。 ## Pull (Proactive) ```mermaid graph BT D(Amazon SQS Producer) -- pull --> C(Amazon SQS Queue) E(Processors in Broadway) -- pull --> D ``` :::note 刚才说到,GenStage 或者 Broadway 的整体设计理念,是拉动需求的模式。所有,像 Amazon SQS 这种 Producer,它的处理流程就很顺。 # Push (Passive) RabbitMQ **prefetch_count** option ```mermaid graph TD subgraph Actual D(RabbitMQ Queue) -- push --> E(RabbitMQ Producer) E -- push/dispatch --> F(Processors in Broadway) end subgraph 1st thought A(RabbitMQ Queue) -- push --> B(RabbitMQ Producer) C(Processors in Broadway) -- pull/ask --> B end ``` :::note 但是,对于像 RabbitMQ 队列这种,Producer 是被动从队列接收消息的。所以,它其实不是使用拉动的机制,因为有可能要数据的时候没有,没要的时候又一堆在等着。RabbitMQ 采用的是配置 prefetch_count 参数来控制流量。 ## Why the "Parallel" issue happens? :::note 了解了这些基本概念,我们猜一下为什么文章作者会遇到的问题呢? ## Why the "Parallel" issue happens? {.aligncenter} > "If a processor asks for two messages and there are two producers, the processor may get four messages. > >Since it can only process them one at a time, the others will sit in its process mailbox until it’s ready for them." **Each producer tries to satisfy the demand of every processor. One Processor takes all msgs** {.animated .fadeInUp .slow .delay-4s} :::note 其实作者在文章中也提前总结出来了。原因是假设有两个 producer,每个 processor 都向它们要两条消息的时候,最终 processor 拿到的是 4 条消息。结果很明显,一个 processor 拿到全部消息,每次它只能处理一条,所以就变成串行的了。 ## Solutions {.aligncenter} | Item | Change | | :----------- | :------------ | | Producers | M -> 1 | | Processors Max Demand | 10 -> 1 | | RabbitMQ Prefetch Count | max_demand * \ | :::note 所以,要解决问题,方法也很简单,就是把 Producer 数量调成 1,每个 Processor 的 max_demand 参数也调成 1。 RabbitMQ 的 Prefetch Count 也调整为和 Processor 数量及最大需求匹配上。 问题和解决方案作者都总结出来了,但是他没有去找哪里的源码导致这个问题。 # Source Code :::note 下面,我们看看相应的源码是怎么样的。 ## How do Producers Distribute Msgs? {.aligncenter} #### Subscription Logic in Processor ::: {} !![](./images/broadway_pr/broadway_structure.png .column) ```elixir {..column ..small ..animated ..fadeInUp ..slow ..delay-4s} defmodule Broadway.Topology.ProcessorStage do use GenStage def start_link(args, stage_options) do Broadway.Topology.Subscriber.start_link( __MODULE__, args[:producers], ... end defmodule Broadway.Topology.Subscriber do @behaviour GenStage def init({module, names, options, subscription_options}) do {type, state, init_options} = module.init(options) ... # We always subscribe in random order so the load is balanced across consumers. names |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.each(&subscribe(&1, state)) ... end end ``` ::: :::note 在了解 Producer 如何分发消息之前,我们先看看 Processor 和 Producer 之间的订阅关系是怎么建立的。 Broadway 源码的整体结构,其实才不到 20 个源文件,名字也很容易让人理解各自负责哪一部分。所以,我们直接就可以看 ProcessorStage 相关的代码。它一启动就会调用 Subscriber 的启动代码,里面就可以看到注释下的那句,shuffle 了 producer 的名字,然后逐个订阅。意图也在注释说清楚了。 ## How do Producers Distribute Msgs? {.aligncenter} #### Subscription Logic in GenStage ::: {} !![](./images/broadway_pr/genstage_structure.png .column) ```elixir {..column ..small ..animated ..fadeInUp ..slow ..delay-4s} defmodule GenStage do ... defp consumer_subscribe(current, to, opts, stage) do with {:ok, max, _} <- ... {:ok, min, _} <- ... {:ok, cancel, _} <- ... producer_pid = GenServer.whereis(to) cond do producer_pid != nil -> ref = Process.monitor(producer_pid) # 1. Subscription Logic for Producer msg = {:"$gen_producer", {self(), ref}, {:subscribe, current, opts}} send_noconnect(producer_pid, msg) # 2. Subscription Logic for Consumer consumer_subscribe(opts, ref, producer_pid, cancel, min, max, stage) ``` ::: :::note 如果我们追着订阅的逻辑,看到 GenStage 里面的话,可以看到它会往 producer 发送一个消息,然后接下去做 consumer 订阅后的逻辑。GenStage 的源文件更少,主要就是 gen_stage 主文件,和几个 dispatcher。 ## How do Producers Distribute Msgs? {.aligncenter} #### 1. Subscription Logic of Producer ```elixir {..column ..small} defmodule GenStage do ... def handle_info( {:"$gen_producer", {consumer_pid, ref} = from, {:subscribe, cancel, opts}}, %{consumers: consumers} = stage ) do case consumers do %{^ref => _} -> ... %{} -> case maybe_producer_cancel(cancel, stage) do {:noreply, stage} -> mon_ref = Process.monitor(consumer_pid) stage = put_in(stage.monitors[mon_ref], ref) stage = put_in(stage.consumers[ref], {consumer_pid, mon_ref}) producer_subscribe(opts, from, stage) ``` ```elixir {..column ..small ..animated ..fadeInUp ..slow ..delay-4s} defp producer_subscribe(opts, from, stage) do %{mod: mod, state: state, dispatcher_mod: dispatcher_mod, dispatcher_state: dispatcher_state} = stage case maybe_subscribe(mod, :consumer, opts, from, state) do {:automatic, state} -> stage = %{stage | state: state} # Call the dispatcher after since it may generate demand # and the main module must know the consumer is subscribed. case dispatcher_mod.subscribe(opts, from, dispatcher_state) do ``` :::note Producer 收到订阅消息后做什么呢?它会记录下自己和 consumer 之间的关系,然后调用 dispatcher 模块的 subscribe 方法。 ## How do Producers Distribute Msgs? {.aligncenter} #### 1.1 Subscription Logic of Dispatcher ```elixir {..column ..small} defmodule GenStage.DemandDispatcher do def subscribe(_opts, {pid, ref}, {demands, pending, max}) do {:ok, 0, {demands ++ [{0, pid, ref}], pending, max}} end ``` :::note 在开始那个最简单的 Broadway 配置下,它使用的是 DemandDispatcher。而 subscribe 的逻辑就是把这个 consumer 的进程 id,和 reference 记录下来,放到 demands 列表里。到这里,Producer 的部分就基本结束了。那刚才 Consumer 接下来做什么呢? ## How do Producers Distribute Msgs? {.aligncenter} #### 2 Subscription Logic of Consumer ```elixir {..column ..small} defmodule GenStage do defp consumer_subscribe(opts, ref, producer_pid, cancel, min, max, stage) do %{mod: mod, state: state} = stage to = {producer_pid, ref} case maybe_subscribe(mod, :producer, opts, to, state) do {:automatic, state} -> # Immediately ask for msg after subscription ask(to, max, [:noconnect]) stage = put_in(stage.producers[ref], {producer_pid, cancel, {max, min, max}}) ... def handle_info( {:"$gen_producer", {consumer_pid, ref} = from, {:ask, counter}}, %{consumers: consumers} = stage ) when is_integer(counter) do case consumers do %{^ref => _} -> %{dispatcher_state: dispatcher_state} = stage dispatcher_callback(:ask, [counter, from, dispatcher_state], stage) ``` :::note 你看它这里马上调用了一个 ask 的方法,然后记录下它和 Producer 的关系。这个 handle_info 的方法,就是 Producer 收到 ask 消息后,根据请求的量,再调用 dispatcher 的 ask 方法。不过,因为这个是 Pull 模型的调用链,所以其实 RabbitMQ 那不走这里,我们需要看 dispatcher 里面的 dispatch 方法。 ## How do Producers Distribute Msgs? {.aligncenter} #### `dispatch` Logic of Dispatcher (Push) ```elixir {..column ..small} defmodule GenStage.DemandDispatcher do def dispatch(events, length, {demands, pending, max}) do {events, demands} = dispatch_demand(events, length, demands) {:ok, events, {demands, pending, max}} end defp dispatch_demand([], _length, demands) do {[], demands} end defp dispatch_demand(events, _length, [{0, _, _} | _] = demands) do {events, demands} end defp dispatch_demand(events, length, [{counter, pid, ref} | demands]) do {deliver_now, deliver_later, length, counter} = split_events(events, length, counter) Process.send(pid, {:"$gen_consumer", {self(), ref}, deliver_now}, [:noconnect]) demands = add_demand(counter, pid, ref, demands) dispatch_demand(deliver_later, length, demands) end ``` :::note dispatcher 里面的 dispatch 方法并不太复杂,从方法和变量命名,大概都能猜到它逻辑是什么。根据各个 consumer 需求的量,计算现在要分发多少,丢给它,改变 demands 列表,然后递归调用自己处理剩下的消息,直到消息处理完,或者每个 Consumer 需求都满足了。 # Source Analysis on Bug :::note 看完这些源码,结合作者总结的原因,到底是哪里的代码出问题了呢? ## In Theory ::: {.grid} ```elixir {..column ..small} def start_link(_opts) do Broadway.start_link( __MODULE__, name: __MODULE__, producer: [ module: {BroadwayRabbitMQ.Producer, queue: Foo.env!(:queue_name), connection: Foo.conn_options(), qos: [ prefetch_count: 50 ], on_failure: :reject}, concurrency: 2, ], processors: [ default: [ concurrency: 25, max_demand: 4 ] ] ) end ``` * If {..column} 1. Producer concurrency\: 2 {.fadeInRight} 2. RabbitMQ \:prefetch_count\: 50 {.fadeInRight} 3. Messages count in queue\: 100 {.fadeInRight} 4. Processors subscribe Producers randomly {.fadeInRight} {.build} * Then 1. Message got by each Producer\: 50 {.fadeInRight} 2. Messages spread to random Processors {.fadeInRight} {.build} ::: :::note 作者的 Broadway 配置大概是这样的。假设有两个 producer,预取最多 100 条消息,那每个 producer 会分到 50 条。如果 processor 和 producer 之间的订阅关系是随机的话,分发消息也应该是随机的,不至于都给了同一个 processor 才对。为什么明明 ProcessorStage 那里已经 shuffle 后再订阅,还会有这个问题呢? ## Add Debug Log ```elixir {..small} # Broadway.Topology.Subscriber.init/1 shuffled_names = names |> Enum.shuffle() IO.inspect("Processor #{inspect(self())} subscribe to Producer #{inspect(Process.whereis(, 0)))} first") Enum.each(shuffled_names, &subscribe(&1, state)) # GenStage.DemandDispatcher.subscribe/2 IO.inspect("Subscribed #{inspect(self())} from #{inspect(pid)}") {:ok, 0, {demands ++ [{0, pid, ref}], pending, max}} # GenStage.DemandDispatcher.dispatch_demand/3 pids =, fn {_, other_pid, _} -> other_pid end) IO.inspect("Producer #{inspect(self())} sends message to consumer #{inspect(pid)} out of #{inspect(pids)}") ``` :::note 虽然我有一些猜测,但还是加 Debug Log 确认一下情况。我主要加了三个点: 1. 最开始 subscribe 的源头,看 shuffle 后的结果。这个点加得有点白痴,但只是防意外吧。 2. 第二个是看 DemandDispatcher 的 subscribe 方法,看构建的 demands 列表,也就是每个 producer 里 processor 的排列情况。这里决定了消息分发顺序,是关键。 3. 第三个点就是看 dispatch_demand 方法,看是不是分发的时候出问题。 ## Subscription is **NOT** random {.aligncenter} #### Debug Log Result * Processor randomly subscribes to Producer. * But the subscription msgs to Producers follow Processor startup sequence. ```iex {..small} "Processor #PID<0.344.0> subscribe to Producer #PID<0.341.0> first" "Processor #PID<0.345.0> subscribe to Producer #PID<0.333.0> first" "Processor #PID<0.346.0> subscribe to Producer #PID<0.336.0> first" "Processor #PID<0.347.0> subscribe to Producer #PID<0.340.0> first" "Processor #PID<0.348.0> subscribe to Producer #PID<0.341.0> first" "Processor #PID<0.349.0> subscribe to Producer #PID<0.337.0> first" "Processor #PID<0.350.0> subscribe to Producer #PID<0.339.0> first" "Processor #PID<0.351.0> subscribe to Producer #PID<0.339.0> first" "Processor #PID<0.352.0> subscribe to Producer #PID<0.334.0> first" "Processor #PID<0.353.0> subscribe to Producer #PID<0.341.0> first" "Subscribed #PID<0.335.0> from #PID<0.344.0>" "Subscribed #PID<0.339.0> from #PID<0.344.0>" "Subscribed #PID<0.341.0> from #PID<0.344.0>" "Subscribed #PID<0.335.0> from #PID<0.345.0>" "Subscribed #PID<0.333.0> from #PID<0.344.0>" "Subscribed #PID<0.335.0> from #PID<0.346.0>" "Subscribed #PID<0.333.0> from #PID<0.345.0>" ... ``` :::note 根据 Debug 结果,好家伙。虽然一开始是 shuffle 了,但是实际订阅关系的建立,每个 producer 都是这个 344 先连上的。所以,我之前猜测每个 producer 收到 processor 的订阅消息,其实是由 processor 启动顺序决定了,init 的时候 shuffle 根本没用。 ## Msg Distribution is **NOT** random {.aligncenter} #### Debug Log Result * Each Producer gets 1 message. * But every Producer `demands` list is the **same**. * **ALL** messages sent to the **1st** Processor ```iex {..small} iex(dev@localhost)1> Foo.send_messages(10) "Producer #PID<0.342.0> got one message." ... "Producer #PID<0.341.0> got one message." "Producer #PID<0.342.0> sends message to consumer #PID<0.344.0> out of [#PID<0.345.0>, #PID<0.346.0>, #PID<0.347.0>, ...]" ... "Producer #PID<0.341.0> sends message to consumer #PID<0.344.0> out of [#PID<0.345.0>, #PID<0.346.0>, #PID<0.347.0>, ...]" "processor #PID<0.344.0> got '2'; has 3 message(s) in its mailbox" "processor #PID<0.344.0> got '3'; has 8 message(s) in its mailbox" "processor #PID<0.344.0> got '1'; has 7 message(s) in its mailbox" "processor #PID<0.344.0> got '6'; has 6 message(s) in its mailbox" "processor #PID<0.344.0> got '4'; has 5 message(s) in its mailbox" "processor #PID<0.344.0> got '5'; has 4 message(s) in its mailbox" "processor #PID<0.344.0> got '7'; has 3 message(s) in its mailbox" "processor #PID<0.344.0> got '10'; has 2 message(s) in its mailbox" "processor #PID<0.344.0> got '8'; has 1 message(s) in its mailbox" "processor #PID<0.344.0> got '9'; has 0 message(s) in its mailbox" ``` :::note Debug 结果显示,虽然每个 Producer 都拿到一条消息,但是由于 demands 列表是一模一样的,所有消息都分发给第一个 PID 为 344 的 processor 了。 ## Useless `shuffle` logic in Processor {.aligncenter} ```elixir {..small} defmodule Broadway.Topology.ProcessorStage do use GenStage def start_link(args, stage_options) do Broadway.Topology.Subscriber.start_link( __MODULE__, args[:producers], ... end defmodule Broadway.Topology.Subscriber do @behaviour GenStage def init({module, names, options, subscription_options}) do {type, state, init_options} = module.init(options) ... # We always subscribe in random order so the load is balanced across consumers. names |> Enum.shuffle() |> Enum.each(&subscribe(&1, state)) ... end end ``` :::note 所以,ProcessorStage 里面这个随机没用,可以去掉。我就提交了一个 PR 删了这句。 剩下的问题就是,应该在哪里 shuffle 那个 demands 列表,可以让消息随机发放呢? ## When to shuffle `demands` list? {.aligncenter} * `ask` signal * `demands` list is not completely constructed yet. {.animated .fadeInRight .delay-1800} ::: {.animated .fadeInUp .slow .delay-4s} * First Dispatch ```elixir {..small} defmodule GenStage.DemandDispatcher do # Before Fix def dispatch(events, length, {demands, pending, max}) do {events, demands} = dispatch_demand(events, length, demands) {:ok, events, {demands, pending, max}} end # After Fix def dispatch(events, length, {demands, pending, max, true}) do dispatch(events, length, {Enum.shuffle(demands), pending, max, false}) end def dispatch(events, length, {demands, pending, max, false}) do {events, demands} = dispatch_demand(events, length, demands) {:ok, events, {demands, pending, max, false}} end ``` ::: :::note 一开始我想过在 `ask` 那个地方,但其实那时 demands 列表还没构建好。而且根据 Push/Pull 模型,有些 producer 可能还不适用。所以,最终只能在 dispatcher 的 dispatch 方法。 ## Takeaway * GenServer in Supervision Tree starts up in sequence. * Producers receives subscription msg from Processors follow startup sequence. * Messages sent to the same GenServer receives in sequence. * First `subscribe` and then `ask` ## References * [如何阅读一份代码]( * [Tuning Broadway RabbitMQ Pipelines for Latency]( * [Broadway Source Reading (Part 1 - Entry Point and Architecture)]( * [PR to Broadway]( * [PR to GenStage]( ## My Questions {.aligncenter} Common pattern for customized GenServer module and communication? Composition & Delegation? ```elixir defmodule A do use GenStage def start_link(number) do GenStage.start_link(A, number) end def init(counter) do {:producer, counter} end def handle_demand(demand, counter) when demand > 0 do # If the counter is 3 and we ask for 2 items, we will # emit the items 3 and 4, and set the state to 5. events = Enum.to_list(counter..counter+demand-1) {:noreply, events, counter + demand} end end defmodule GenStage do def init({mod, args}) do case mod.init(args) do {:producer, state} -> init_producer(mod, [], state) {:producer, state, opts} when is_list(opts) -> init_producer(mod, opts, state) {:producer_consumer, state} -> init_producer_consumer(mod, [], state) {:producer_consumer, state, opts} when is_list(opts) -> init_producer_consumer(mod, opts, state) {:consumer, state} -> init_consumer(mod, [], state) {:consumer, state, opts} when is_list(opts) -> init_consumer(mod, opts, state) {:stop, _} = stop -> stop :ignore -> :ignore other -> {:stop, {:bad_return_value, other}} end end end # Delegate state and function logic to Dispatcher. # The dispatcher is not started as GenServer, but embedded as part of state defmodule GenStage.DemandDispatcher do @behaviour GenStage.Dispatcher @doc false def init(opts) do shuffle_demand = Keyword.get(opts, :shuffle_demands_on_first_dispatch, false) {:ok, {[], 0, nil, shuffle_demand}} end end ``` :::note 大家如果有留意到 GenStage 和 Broadway 的源码,它在 start_link 那个地方是把模块传进去,然后回头调用这个模块的 init 方法,好像是 composition 或者 delegation 一样。 特别是 DemandDispatcher 的实现,它没有 use GenStage,而是使用 @behavior。但是它其实也是像实现 GenStage 那样实现 init 方法,返回一个 state。只是这个 state 后面被包含到 Producer 的 state 里面。 Producer 和 DemandDispatcher 的交互,就是直接通过模块调用,而不是 GenStage process 之间来调用的。感觉这个设计很有意思,是因为减少建立不必要的 process,用 pid 之间沟通麻烦吗?你们是怎么想的? ## My Crawler Design {.aligncenter} * Dynamically add/remove/start/stop different types of Spider * Dynamically scale instances of particular Spider ```elixir defmodule Lolth.SpiderEngine do use Supervisor def init(:no_args) do children = [ Lolth.SpiderEngine.Supervisor, Lolth.SpiderEngine.Manager ] opts = [strategy: :rest_for_one] Supervisor.init(children, opts) end end defmodule Lolth.SpiderEngine.Supervisor do use DynamicSupervisor def start_engine(spider_config) do spec = %{ id: "Lolth.Spider.#{}", start: {Lolth.Spider, :start_link, [spider_config]}, type: :supervisor } DynamicSupervisor.start_child(__MODULE__, spec) end end defmodule Lolth.SpiderEngine.Manager do use GenServer def init(:no_args) do Process.send_after(self(), :kickoff, 0) {:ok, %{ all_engines: %{} }} end def handle_info(:kickoff, _) do all_spiders = get_all_spider_config(%{"disabled" => false}) engines = all_spiders |> Enum.into(%{}, fn spider_config -> start_spider(spider_config, %{}) end) {:noreply, %{ all_engines: engines }} end def engine_status() do, :engine_status) end def add_spider_config(spider_config) do, {:add_spider, spider_config}) end def terminate_spider(spider_name) do, {:terminate_spider, spider_name}) end def start_spider(spider_name) do # Calls Lolth.SpiderEngine.Supervisor.start_engine at the end, {:start_spider, spider_name}) end end defmodule Lolth.Spider do use Supervisor, restart: :transient # api def start_link(spider_config) do"Starting the spider for #{}") Supervisor.start_link(__MODULE__, spider_config, name: :"Lolth.Spider.#{}") end # server @impl true def init(spider_config) do spider_name = children = [ %{ id: "Lolth.Spider.Supervisor.#{spider_name}", start: {Lolth.Spider.Supervisor, :start_link, [spider_config]}, type: :supervisor }, %{ id: "Lolth.Spider.Manager.#{spider_name}", start: {Lolth.Spider.Manager, :start_link, [spider_config]} } ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_all] Supervisor.init(children, opts) end end ``` :::note 其实问上面的问题,是因为很久前自己尝试写一个爬虫,我是这么组织代码的。想达到的效果是动态增删爬虫类型,和数量。 所以分别用 Manager 和 Supervisor 来管理。Supervisor 是 Dynamic 的,动态增删 child。Mananger 负责业务逻辑,调用 Supervisor 来操作。不知道大家还有没有什么好的建议?