  1. 1. Entry Point
  2. 2. Architecture Diagram
    1. 2.1. Sequence Diagram
    2. 2.2. Process Supervision Hierarchy

I have learned Elixir for a while and always want to see if I can start reading any opensource project to learn from.

Two reasons to pick Broadway as a start:

  • Its code base is quite small and has 18 modules in total.
  • The project in my company uses messaging components a lot.

Hence, reading it has much benefit on how to design a message processing tool with well-reasoned architecture. Maybe, after this, I can try writing the right producer for the messaging component we use and rewrite the project in Elixir as well. :D

Entry Point

According to the Documentation:

In order to use Broadway, you need to:

  1. Define your pipeline configuration
  2. Define a module implementing the Broadway behaviour

Obviously, the first source file I checked out is broadway.ex. It does not have much logic there except the necessary behaviors and functions to get/update rate limiting.

The entry point is the start_link function which in turn calls Topology.start_link(module, opts) after option validation.

Architecture Diagram

In order to know a codebase well, I tend to learn its architecture before diving into detail.

Sequence Diagram

Assuming our broadway module named MyBW:

  participant M as MyBW
  participant B as Broadway
  participant T as Topology
  participant S as Supervisor

  M->>B: start_link(MyBW, pipeline_opts)
  B->>T: start_link(MyBW, pipeline_opts)
  rect rgba(0, 0, 255, .1)
  Note over T: init({MyBW, pipeline_opts})
  T->>T: {child_specs, opts} = prepare_for_start(MyBW, pipeline_opts)
  rect rgba(0, 0, 255, .2)
  Note over T: start_supervisor(child_specs, %{module: MyBW} = config, pipeline_opts)
  T->>T: {producers_names, producers_specs} = build_producers_specs(config, opts)
  T->>T: {processors_names, processors_specs} = build_processors_specs(config, producers_names)
  T->>T: build_rate_limiter_spec(config, producers_names)
  T->>T: build_processor_supervisor_spec(config, processors_specs)
  T->>T: build_batchers_supervisor_and_terminator_specs(config, producers_names, processors_names)
  T->>S: start_link(all_child_specs)
  S-->>B: %{supervisor_pid, terminator, name}

Process Supervision Hierarchy

graph TD
  A(Broadway.Topology) -.-> B(PrepareForProducer)
  A ---> C(MyBW.Supervisor:rest_for_one)
  C -.-> D(RateLimiter)
  C --> E(MyBW.ProducerSupervisor:one_for_one) & F(MyBW.ProcessorSupervisor:one_for_all)
  E -- ProducerStage --> G1(MyBW.Producer_1) & G2(MyBW.Producer_2)
  F -- ProcessorStage --> H1(MyBW.Processor_key_1) & H2(MyBW.Processor_key_2)
  C -. With Batcher .-> J(MyBW.BatchersSupervisor:one_for_one)
  J --> K(MyBW.BatcherSupervisor_key1:rest_for_one) & P(Terminator)
  K -- BatcherStage --> L(MyBW.Batcher_key1)
  K --> M(MyBW.BatchProcessorSupervisor_key1:one_for_all)
  M -- BatchProcessorStage --> M1(MyBW.BatchProcessor_key1_1) & M2(MyBW.BatchProcessor_key1_2)
  C -. Without Batcher .-> P(Terminator)
  • The dashed line means that the component is optional.

  • The text on the line mainly shows what module is started for the process, except the “With Batcher” and “Without Batcher”.

  • The supervision strategy is next to the name of Supervisor.

Most of the things make sense for me now but I still have one question:

Why ProcessorSupervisor and BatchProcessorSupervisor use :one_for_all instead of :one_for_one? The Processors need to all live or crash? I think I will get the answer after reading the processors part.

  1. 1. Entry Point
  2. 2. Architecture Diagram
    1. 2.1. Sequence Diagram
    2. 2.2. Process Supervision Hierarchy